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Crowdfunding Toolkit for Games
Crowdfunding can be overwhelming for first-time creators – that’s why we’ve put together a crowdfunding toolkit to help you plan, launch, and execute your campaign.
Crowdfunding is an excellent way to get your game funded, build a list of pre-orders, and take your board or card game to market. Most of the resources in our crowdfunding toolkit focus on Kickstarter because it’s a strong marketplace for new games—games attract more money on Kickstarter than any other category. But choosing a platform is an important decision, and it’s not one-size-fits-all. Before you get started, this article from The Crowdfunding Formula offers a helpful breakdown of the differences between Kickstarter and Indigogo. We recommend reading it and considering the options carefully before making a final decision.
Ready to get started? We will guide you every step of the way, all the way from calculating your funding goals through delivering your final product.
Want to take this information on the go? Download this content as an Ebook to read on your tablet.