PrintNinja - online printing made easy for creators
Custom Slipcases
Custom slipcases not only protect your books from dust, light, and damage, but they turn your project into a beautiful display that stands out on any bookshelf.
PrintNinja can handle just about any slipcase size from magazines to DVD’s to coffee table books, however we cannot print slipcases as standalone items. The main reason for this is because we cannot risk damage during shipment. Shipping slipcases without a book exponentially increases the chances of bending/creasing/collapse during the long journey from China.
Additionally, Our slipcases are custom printed surrounding the specifications of a particular book. Essentially, we control the fit and feel of the sleeve because we are in control of all the variables involved. When a book has been printed out of our hands, we can’t take the risk of producing a product that doesn’t fit as it should.
Because slipcases are so customizable, the best place to start is by submitting a request for a custom quote. We’ll be able to help you determine the best dimensions so your project will fit into your slipcase comfortably. Please allow for an extra week for production when calculating your turnaround time.
If you order a custom slipcase for your project, we will ship your books inside their slipcases. This helps reduce your shipping costs and protects the slipcovers in transit. We never ship slipcases separately because they can be damaged in transit.

Specialty Options for Slipcovers
You can customize your slipcase with any amount of specialty features and graphics of your choice.

Get Inspired
Some creators choose to repeat their cover artwork onto their slipcover, but you can also create entirely new artwork. B-Squad: Soldiers of Misfortune chose a new design for their slipcover and combined many specialty options to add value to their project, including anti-scratch matte lamination and sequential foil numbering.
Like what you see? Get a quote.
Request pricing for this add-on while locking in your price on our calculator. We’ll start working on your custom quote within one business day of receiving your request.
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