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Perfect Bound Dust Jacket Artwork Setup Guide

Because a single sheet of paper is wrapped around the bound perfect bound book, a dust jacket for a perfect bound book should be created as a single spread.

Perfect Bound Dust Jacket Template

  1. The “Page Height” measurement in the guide below should be the same height as the inside pages of your book.
  2. The “Page Width” measurement should be your [interior page width x 2] + [customflap width x 2] + [spine width]. YOUR SELECTED FLAP WIDTH MUST BE AT LEAST ⅓ OF YOUR QUOTED PAGE WIDTH.
  3. To calculate the width of your spine, please visit our spine width calculator.
  4. You should include 0.125 inches of bleed around the edge of your design that will be trimmed off. Also make sure to keep all important text and graphics 0.125 inches away from the trim line since softcovers, like all offset printing, exhibit minute variance in their production.

    If you are using a design program that does not allow you to specify the bleed (e.g. Adobe Photoshop) you will need to add 0.25” to your overall cover dimensions calculated above

    Page Height = [quoted interior page height] + [0.25” bleed]
    Page Width = [quoted interior page width x 2] + [custom flap width x 2] + [spine width] + 0.25” bleed.
    Click Here For PDF

Submitting Your Artwork

You should submit a one-page PDF that has been exported in accordance with our recommended settings linked below.

File Export Settings

Adobe InDesign – Follow the “Export Settings” as highlighted on this page.

Adobe Illustrator –  Follow the “Export Settings” as highlighted on this page.

Adobe Photoshop –  Follow the “Export Settings” as highlighted on this page.

More Information

You can find more information here for this add-on.