PrintNinja - online printing made easy for creators
Shrink Wrapped Cards
For a professional appearance, you can select to have your cards inside your packaging shrink wrapped. This is especially helpful to separate multiple functioning decks of cards within your game.
Shrink wrapping cards inside your box gives customers that valuable perception of a fresh brand-new game. You know, like that feeling you get from a new car smell.
This feature cannot be used with booster pack packaging or with digital-offset (domestic) orders that include a tuck box.
If you’re interested in reading more about custom game printing, be sure to check out our custom board game hub and our custom card game hub. These parts of our site contain all the information you need to know about creating a board game or a card game – beyond just the standards listed here, these hubs also contain detailed information on all the types of materials and packaging types we offer for your game. We’ve also analyzed board and card games to figure out what makes them work – and how you can apply these principals to your custom game. Check it out!