PrintNinja - online printing made easy for creators
Creating Your Interior Pages
Read on for information about creating your interior pages with various Adobe software.
One of the most intimidating steps during the printing process is properly setting up files for the press. However, this process is actually a lot easier that it appears. Over the years we’ve been printing books, games, and more, we have seen projects of all layouts and formats – and now we want to share our insight with you!
There are many different types of programs out there that you can use in creating your interior pages, but the most common and easiest to use are Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. They can be a bit daunting to learn at first, but if you follow the steps outlined in the book template tutorials below, you’ll be an expert in no time.
Almost without exception the easiest program for laying out a multipage document is InDesign. It’s the only program among those listed that was designed explicitly for this purpose. Using the other programs for laying out your templates will work, but none of them will allow you to manage multiple page layouts as easily and quickly as InDesign.
Create a Book Template Customized to your Specifications
Please note: these guides are for creating a template of the interior pages of your project. For help in designing your cover please consult the appropriate guide.
These are not the only acceptable programs, however. If you’re more comfortable using something else like Manga Studio while creating your interior pages, then feel free to use that as well. As long as the files are submitted in a proper format and you follow our printing setup guides, then you’ll be able to move forward with prepress.