PrintNinja - online printing made easy for creators
Binding Process
This article includes links that will teach you more about the binding process and the difference in binding styles.
The pieces are all in place. The body pages are folded into a book block, and the cover page has had its specialty finish applied. At this point in your project’s lifespan, we’re finally ready to enter the binding process.
Depending on which binding method you have chosen, binding can be as simple as adding a couple of staples, or it can be a complex process involving sewing machines, gluing machines, hardcover cases, and more. There are three popular binding methods: saddle-stitched (stapled), perfect (softcover), or casebound (hardcover). Each of these methods has it’s own pros and cons. Read on to learn the difference in process between each binding method – the more you know about each one, the better you’ll be able to determine which one is right for your printing project with PrintNinja.
There are also other methods of binding such as spiral binding, wire binding, and a special process for board books. For more information on these less common binding types visit our advanced concepts section.