Your Custom Miniatures Designs
Creating custom miniatures can be overwhelming – that’s why we’ve outlined the starting point you should be at when you begin your project with PrintNinja.
When you are looking to get custom miniatures manufactured, it’s important to have your designs finished and completely set up ahead of time. PrintNinja does not offer design services for creating artwork for miniatures. In fact, in order to get a final quote for a miniatures order, we’ll need to have all of your completed artwork to make sure we get you an accurate quote.
There are two ways that you can provide us with the artwork. You can deliver flat 2 dimensional turnarounds of each piece. Our production partners will utilize talented artists to create digital models based off of your 2-D designs. As you can see in this example, we’ll need to see – at a minimum – front, back, and left and right views for each of your designs. For complex designs, a top and bottom view may also be necessary.
Alternatively, if you already have 3-D artwork that is created in a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) program, you can send us your .stl files. Our production partners will review the files to make sure they can be manufactured without additional design considerations. In some cases, adjustments may be necessary in order to facilitate the injection molding process. This conversation will take place after we’ve reviewed your files and work on processing your quote.
New Language: Note: We do not offer the option to scan physical sculptures. If you have physical sculptures, you’ll have to find an outside service to scan them and output them as a 3-D .stl file.
In many cases, designs are created without consideration of the manufacturing process. Unless you have a strong manufacturing background, starting with 2-D models is probably the most efficient way to go about producing your miniatures: our team will interpret your 2-D models to find the most efficient 3d design for the injection molding process.
We highly encourage people interested in creating miniatures to review our page on how we created the miniatures for our Custom Pieces Sample Packet.