Sample Game Price Details

These prices represent a range of what you can expect for components in our board games. All prices are estimates and should be used for budgeting purposes

Punchouts and Cards

Component Cost Breakdown 500 units

(Budgetary Pricing)

Poker Size Deck
2.5″ x 3.5″
55 cards
Blue core
Linen Texture
Punch-out Sheets
4 per game
3.5″ by 5″
2-sided printing
1.5 mm grayboard
Instructions Booklet
4.5″ by 3.5″
8 Pages
Saddle Stitched
70 lb GLoss Text
2-Piece Box
5.5″ by 4″ by 1.5″
Gloss Lamination
Assembly $225
SHIPPING COST (China to the US) $750